Submissions from 1992

Long Overdue: The Single Guaranteed Minimum Income Program, David Allen Larson
(69 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review 353 (1992))

What Can You Say, Where Can You Say It, and to Whom?: A Guide to Understanding and Preventing Unlawful Sexual Harassment, David Allen Larson
(25 Creighton Law Review 827 (1992)
Copyright statement: Creighton University Law Review, “What Can You Say, Where Can You Say It, and to Whom?: A Guide to Understanding and Preventing Unlawful Sexual Harassment.” published in Vol. 25, Issue 3 (1991-1992, pp. 827-854, reprinted with permission. Copyright 1992 by Creighton University.)

Judicial Deference to the PTO's Interpretations of the Patent Law, R. Carl Moy
(74 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 406 (1992))

Patent Harmonization, Protectionism and Legislation, R. Carl Moy
(74 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 777 (1992))

The Effect of New Rule 56 on the Law of Inequitable Conduct, R. Carl Moy
(74 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 257 (1992))

Civil Actions for Emotional Distress and R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, Michael K. Steenson
(18 William Mitchell Law Review 983 (1992))

Submissions from 1991

A Tribute to Peter S. Popovich, James F. Hogg
(17 William Mitchell Law Review 27 (1991))

A Memorial to Bernie Becker, Eric S. Janus
(17 William Mitchell Law Review 409 (1991))

Feminist Jurisprudence: Why Law Must Consider Women's Perspectives, Ann Juergens
(10:2 William Mitchell Magazine, Oct. (1991))

Who Owns Christmas Trees? The Disposition of Property Used by a Partnership, Daniel S. Kleinberger and Barbara A. Wrigley
(39 University of Kansas Law Review 245 (1991))

Title VII Compensation Issues Affecting Bilingual Hispanic Employees, David Allen Larson
(23 Arizona State Law Journal 821 (1991))

The Japanese International Law 'Revolution': International Human Rights Law and Its Impact in Japan, Kenneth L. Port
(28 Stanford Journal of International Law 139 (1991))

Submissions from 1990

Solving the Pretext Puzzle: The Importance of Ulterior Motives and Fabrications in the Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment Pretext Doctrine, Edwin J. Butterfoss
(79 Kentucky Law Journal 1 (1990-1991))

Organizing Themes of Environmental Law, Marcia R. Gelpe
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 897 (1990))

Penalties in Settlements of Citizen Suit Enforcement Actions Under the Clean Water Act, Marcia R. Gelpe
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 1025 (1990))

Clinics and "Contextual Integration": Helping Law Students Put the Pieces Back Together Again, Eric S. Janus
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 463 (1990))

Why Not Good Faith?-The Foibles of Fairness in Closely Held Corporations, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 1143 (1990))

Frontispiece on Good Faith: A Functional Approach within the UCC, Christina L. Kunz
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 1105 (1990))

State Control of Great Lakes Water Diversion, J. David Prince
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 107 (1990))

Working Backwards: The Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Employment Law, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 1119 (1990))

Constitutional Constraints on Proving "Whodunnit?", John O. Sonsteng
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 171 (1990))

Fourth Amendment Applicability, John O. Sonsteng
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 209 (1990))

The Privilege Against Compelled Self-Incrimination, John O. Sonsteng
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 249 (1990))

Comparable Worth in Arbitration, Christine D. Ver Ploeg
(16 William Mitchell Law Review 1223 (1990))

Submissions from 1989

The Semiconductor Chip Protection Act and Its Impact on the International Protection of Chip Designs, Jay Erstling
(15 Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal 303 (1989) Originally published in the Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal at 15 Rutgers Computer & Tech. L.J. 303 (1989))

Environmental Quality: Three Ways to Decide How Much to Spend, Marcia R. Gelpe
(William Mitchell Magazine, Fall 1989)

Feeding the Permanently Unconscious and Terminally Ill or Dying Is Not Always Compassion, Phebe Saunders Haugen
(8:1 William Mitchell Magazine, spring (1989))

Ethos and Conscience—A Rejoinder, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(21 Connecticut Law Review 397 (1989))

Wanted: An Ethos of Personal Responsibility—Why Codes of Ethics and Schools of Law Don't Make for Ethical Lawyers, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(21 Connecticut Law Review 365 (1989))

Wisconsin Sentence Modification: A View from the Trial Court, Kate Kruse and Kim E. Patterson
(1989 Wisconsin Law Review 441 (1989)
Copyright 2015 by The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System; Reprinted by permission of the Wisconsin Law Review)

Joint and Several Liability Minnesota Style, Michael K. Steenson
(15 William Mitchell Law Review 969 (1989))

Submissions from 1988

Bright Line Seizures: The Need for Clarity in Determining When Fourth Amendment Activity Begins, Edwin J. Butterfoss
(79 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 437 (1988))

Rethinking Harmless Constitutional Error, A. Kimberley Dayton
(88 Columbia La Review 79 1988)

AIDS and the Law: Setting and Evaluating Threshold Standards for Coercive Public Health Intervention, Eric S. Janus
(14 William Mitchell Law Review 503 (1988))

Mental Impairments and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, David Allen Larson
(48 Louisiana Law Review 841 (1988))

Copyright Protection of Fictional Characters in Japan, Kenneth L. Port
(7 Wisconsin International Law Journal 205 (1988))

Unions and Urinalysis, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(14 William Mitchell Law Review 277 (1988))

Products Liability Law in Minnesota: Design Defect and Failure to Warn Claims, Michael K. Steenson
(14 William Mitchell Law Review 443 (1988))

Forward to Drug Testing Symposium, Christine D. Ver Ploeg
(14 William Mitchell Law Review 231 (1988))

Submissions from 1987

Personal Jurisdiction and the Stream of Commerce, A. Kimberley Dayton
(7 Review of Litigation 239 (1987-88))

No Risk Allocation Need Apply: The Twisted Minnesota Law of Indemnification, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(13 William Mitchell Law Review 775 (1987))

Reconciling Differences: The Theory and Law of Mediating Labor Grievances, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(9 Industrial Relations Law Journal 523 (1987))

The Fault Concept in Personal Injury Cases in Minnesota: Implications for Tort Reform, Michael K. Steenson
(13 William Mitchell Law Review 373 (1987))

Bandwagon is Rolling: ADR Demands and Thrives on Lawyers Creative Thinking, Christine D. Ver Ploeg
(6:4 William Mitchell Magazine, Nov. (1987))

Submissions from 1986

An Offer She Can’t Refuse: When Fundamental Rights and Conditions on Government Benefits Collide, Marie Failinger
(31 Villanova Law Review 833 (1986))

What Disabilities are Protected Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?, David Larson
(16 University of Memphis Law Review 229 (1986))

The Interpretation of Means Expressions During Prosecution, R. Carl Moy
(68 Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 246 (1986))

Legislative Oversight of Administrative Agencies in Minnesota, J. David Prince
(12 William Mitchell Law Review 223 (1986))

The Fault with Comparative Fault: The Problem of Individual Comparisons in a Modified Comparative Fault Jurisdiction, Michael K. Steenson
(12 William Mitchell Law Review 1 (1986))

Submissions from 1985

Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies: The Lesson from Environmental Cases, Marcia R. Gelpe
(53 George Washington Law Review 1 (1985))

Compensation for Victims of Hazardous Substance Exposure, J. David Prince
(11 William Mitchell Law Review 657 (1985))

Court Trial Empirical Survey: Interview Responses from Trial Judges Explaining Their Experiences and Views Regarding the Trial of Non-Jury Cases, John O. Sonsteng and Roger S. Haydock
(11 William Mitchell Law Review 775 (1985))

Submissions from 1984

Resolving the Paradox of the Innocent Construction Rule, David Larson
(7 American Journal of Trial Advocacy 481 (1984))

The Scope of Bargaining in Minnesota Public Sector Labor Relations: A Proposal for Change, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(10 William Mitchell Law Review 213 (1984))

Submissions from 1983

The Minnesota Commitment Act of 1982 Summary and Analysis, Eric S. Janus and Richard M. Wolfson
(6 Hamline Law Review 41 (1983))

Submissions from 1981

Civil Liberties: Judicial Immunity, Prisoner's Rights, Title VII and School Desegregation, C. Peter Erlinder
(57 Chicago-Kent Law Review 57 (1981))

Animal Feedlot Regulation in Minnesota, Marcia R. Gelpe
(7 William Mitchell Law Review 399 (1981))

A Primer on Minnesota No-Fault Automobile Insurance, Michael K. Steenson
(7 William Mitchell Law Review 313 (1981))

Submissions from 1980

Annual Report of the Electric Power Committee, J. David Prince
(13 Natural Resources Lawyer 34 (1980). This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or downloaded or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.)

The Anatomy of Products Liability in Minnesota: Principles of Loss Allocation, Michael K. Steenson
(6 William Mitchell Law Review 243 (1980))

The Anatomy of Products Liability in Minnesota: The Theories of Recovery, Michael K. Steenson
(6 William Mitchell Law Review 1 (1980))

Submissions from 1979

Doing Business with Government: Are Prospective Suppliers Entitled to Procedural Due Process?, C. Peter Erlinder
(55 Chicago-Kent Law Review 497 (1979))

Annual Report of the Electric Power Committee, J. David Prince
(12 Natural Resources Lawyer 39 (1979). This information or any portion thereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or downloaded or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.)

Zoning for the Mentally Ill: A Legislative Mandate, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(16 Harvard Journal on Legislation 853 (1979))

Submissions from 1976

No-Fault in a Fault Context: Tort Actions and Section 65B.51 of the Minnesota No-Fault Automobile Insurance Act, Michael K. Steenson
(2 William Mitchell Law Review 109 (1976))

Submissions from 1974

The Uses of Scientific Information in Environmental Decision Making, Marcia R. Gelpe
(48 Southern California Law Review 371 (1974))

Submissions from 1962

Peace-Keeping Costs and Charter Obligations - Implications of the International Court of Justice Decision on Certain Expenses of the United Nations, James F. Hogg
(62 Columbia Law Review 1230 (1962))