Submissions from 2004

Joint and Several Liability in Minnesota: The 2003 Model, Michael K. Steenson
(30 William Mitchell Law Review 845 (2004))

The Reagan Doctrine, the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, and the Role of a Sole Superpower, Anthony S. Winer
(22 Law & Inequality 169 (2004))

Submissions from 2003

Part-Time Legal Education: It‘s Not Your Parents’ Old Oldsmobile, Edwin J. Butterfoss
(35 University of Toledo Law Review 25 (2003))

Red Owl's Legacy, Gregory M. Duhl
(87 Marquette Law Review 297 (2003))

Essay: Of Rights Lost and Rights Found: The Coming Restoration of the Right to a Jury Trial in Minnesota Civil Commitment Proceedings, C. Peter Erlinder
(29 William Mitchell Law Review 1269 (2003))

Not Mere Rhetoric: On Wasting or Claiming your Legacy, Justice Scalia, Marie Failinger
(34 University of Toledo Law Review 425 (2003))

Voices Protesting and Affirming: Engaging The Culture of Law, Marie Failinger
(1 University of St. Thomas Law Journal 307 (2003))

Midwifery: Strategies on the Road to Universal Legalization, Laura Hermer
(13 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 325 (2003))

Clinical Teaching at William Mitchell College of Law: Values, Pedagogy, and Perspective, Eric S. Janus
(30 William Mitchell Law Review 73 (2003))

Minnesota's Sex Offender Commitment Program: Would an Empirically-Based Prevention Policy by more Effective?, Eric S. Janus
(29 William Mitchell Law Review 1083 (2003))

Rosalie Wahl's Vision for Legal Education: Clinics at the Heart, Ann Juergens
(30 William Mitchell Law Review 9 (2003))

Privacy as a Legal Principle of Identity Maintenance, Jonathan Kahn
(33 Seton Hall Law Review 371 (2003))

Sorting Through the Soup: How do LLCs, LLPs and LLLPs Fit Withing the Regulations and Legal Doctrines?, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(13 Business Law Today 15 (November-December 2003))

From the Clinic to the Classroom: Or What I Would Have Learned if I Had Been Paying More Attention to my Students and Their Clients, Peter B. Knapp
(30 William Mitchell Law Review 101 (2003))

Institutionalization of Mediation in Florida: At the Crossroads, Sharon Press
(108 Penn State Law Review 43 (2003))

Book Review: Decreeing Women's Equality: Using Women's History to Create Legal Parity, Denise D. J. Roy
(29 William Mitchell Law Review 1047 (2003))

The Sense and Nonsense of Web Site Terms of Use Agreements, Sharon Sandeen
(26 Hamline Law Review 499 (2003))

Beyond Words: An Empirical Study of Context in Contract Creation, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(55 South Carolina Law Review 145 (2003))

Essay: Pledging Allegiance, Michael K. Steenson
(29 William Mitchell Law Review 747 (2003))

The Role of Primary Assumption of Risk in Civil Litigation in Minnesota, Michael K. Steenson
(30 William Mitchell Law Review 115 (2003))

Yes, No, and Maybe: Informed Decision Making About Divorce Mediation in the Presence of Domestic Violence, Nancy Ver Steegh
(9 William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 145 (2003))

Submissions from 2002

Same-Sex Marriage in South Africa: A Constitutional Possibility, Mary P. Byrn
(87 Minnesota Law Review 511 (2002-2003))

Availability of Works Cited in Recent Law Review Articles on LEXIS, Westlaw, the Internet, and Other Databases, Simon Canick
(21 Legal References Services Quarterly No. 2/3 (2002))

A Word-and-Flesh Profession: A Response to White and Brueggemann, Marie Failinger
(53 Mercer Law Review 1035 (2002))

A Word-and-Flesh Profession: A Response to White and Brueggemann, Marie Failinger
(53 Mercer Law Review 1035 (2002))

Is Tom Shaffer a Covenantal Lawyer, Marie Failinger
(77 Notre Dame Law Review 705 (2002))

Is Tom Shaffer a Covenantal Lawyer?, Marie Failinger
(77 Notre Dame Law Review 705 (2002))

The Colored Man Standing By the Punch Bowl, Michael K. Jordan
(5 New York City Law Review 175 (2002))

Book Review: Fredrick L. McGhee:A Life on the Color Line, 1861-1912, by Paul D. Nelson, Ann Juergens
(58 Minnesota History 188 (2002))

"Apparent Servants" and Making Appearances Matter: A Critique of Bagot v. Airport & Airline Taxi Cab Corporation, Daniel S. Kleinberger and Peter B. Knapp
(28 William Mitchell Law Review 1527 (2002))

The Other Shoe Drops: Minnesota Rejects Daubert, Peter B. Knapp
(27 William Mitchell Law Review 997 (2000))

Subjecting Rembrandt to the Rule of Law: Rule-Based Solutions for Determining the Patentability of Business Methods, R. Carl Moy
(29 William Mitchell Law Review 1047 (2002))

Submissions from 2001

Remembering Mrs. Murphy: A Remedies Approach to the Conflict between Gay/Lesbian Renters and Religious Landlords, Marie Failinger
(29 Capital University Law Review 383 (2001))

Lena Olive Smith: A Minnesota Civil Rights Pioneer, Ann Juergens
(28 William Mitchell Law Review 397 (2001))

What's in a Name? Law's Identity Under the Tort of Appropriation, Jonathan Kahn
(74 Temple Law Review 263 (2001))

Preserving the Public Trust in State-Owned Intellectual Property: A Recommendation for Legislative Action, Sharon Sandeen
(32 McGeorge Law Review 385 (2001))

Recalling Atticus Finch: Conversations with Practicing Lawyers, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(18:3 William Mitchell Magazine, spring (2001))

Mandatory Divorce Education: What do the Parents Say?, Nancy Ver Steegh and Solveig Erickson
(28 William Mitchell Law Review 889 (2001))

Submissions from 2000

Searching for the Crown of Feathers: An Essay on Psychology, Ethics, and Truth in Constitutional Law, Marie Failinger
(9 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 381 (2000))

Unmasking the Stranger American Welfare Residency Rules and the Encounter with the Other, Marie Failinger
(Law Text Culture, 5, 2000)

A Citizen of Fine Spirit, Douglas R. Heidenreich
(18:2 William Mitchell Magazine, Fall (2000))

Biotechnology and the Legal Constitution of the Self: Managing Identity in Science, the Market, and Society, Jonathan Kahn
(51 Hastings Law Journal 909 (2000))

Of Learning Civil Procedure, Practicing Civil Practice, and Studying A Civil Action: A Low-Cost Proposal to Introduce First-Year Law Students to the Neglected MacCrate Skills, Raleigh Hannah Levine
(31 Seton HallLaw Review 479 (2000) Originally published in the Seton Hall Law Review at 31 Seton Hall L. Rev. 479 (2000))

Balancing Public Health Against Individual Liberty: The Ethics of Smoking Regulations, Thaddeus Mason Pope
(61 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 419 (2000))

Is Meaningful Regulation of Lawyers in Multidisciplinary Firms Possible?, Denise D. J. Roy
(18:1 William Mitchell Magazine, spring (2000))

Time and Money: One State's Regulation of Check-Based Loans, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(27 William Mitchell Law Review 973 (2000))

Minnesota Lawyers Evaluate Law Schools, Training and Job Satisfaction, John O. Sonsteng
(26 William Mitchell Law Review 327 (2000))

Defamation Per Se: Defamation by Mistake?, Michael K. Steenson
(27 William Mitchell Law Review 779 (2000))

Foreword: "Products Liability in the 21st Century Substantive U.S. and Foreign Product Liability Law", Michael K. Steenson
(27 William Mitchell Law Review 1 (2000))

The Impact of "Exceptional" Statutes on Civil Litigation in Minnesota, Michael K. Steenson
(26 William Mitchell Law Review 865 (2000))

Minnesota Court of Appeals Hears Oral Argument Via Interactive Teleconferencing Technology, Edward Toussaint
(2 Journal of Appellate Practice and Process 395 (2000))

The Silent Victims: Children and Domestic Violence, Nancy Ver Steegh
(26 William Mitchell Law Review 775 (2000))

Submissions from 1999

Be My Guest: The Hidden Holding of Minnesota v. Carter, Edwin J. Butterfoss and Mary Sue B. Snyder
(22 Hamline Law Review 501 (1999))

Introduction: Tobacco Regulation: The Convergence of Law, Medicine and Public Health, Barbara Colombo
(25 William Mitchell Law Review 373 (1999))

Regulating Risk in a Managed Care Environment: Theory vs. Practice, The Minnesota Experience, Barbara Colombo and Robert P. Webber
(8 Annals of Health Law 147 (1999))

Face-ing the Other: An Ethics of Encounter and Solidarity in Legal Services Practice, Marie Failinger
(67 Fordham Law Review 2071 (1999))

Five Modern Notions in Search of an Author: The Ideology of the Intimate Society in Constitutional Speech Law, Marie Failinger
(30 University of Toledo Law Review 251 (1999))

Five Modern Notions in Search of an Author: The Ideology of the Intimate Society in Constitutional Speech Law, Marie Failinger
(30 University of Toledo Law Review 251 (1999))

Keeping Faith: An Essay on the Right to Travel, the Poor and the Ethical Demands of Constitutional Stare Decisis, Marie Failinger
(5 Loyola Poverty Law Journal 27 (1999))

Professional Training, Diversity in Legal Education, and Cost Control: Selection, Training and Peer Review for Adjunct Professors, Marcia R. Gelpe
(25 William Mitchell Law Review 193 (1999))

Porcupine Diplomacy Produces Summit (Ave.) Accord, Douglas R. Heidenreich
(17:2 William Mitchell Magazine, Spring (1999))

Municipal Home Rule in New York: Tobacco Control at the Local Level,, Laura Hermer
(65 Brooklyn Law Review 321 (1999))

Bringing Dignity Back to Light: Publicity Rights and the Eclipse of the Tort of Appropriation of Identity, Jonathan Kahn
(17 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 213 (1999))

The Maladaptation of Miranda to Advance Directives: A Critique of the Implementation of the Patient Self-Determination Act, Thaddeus Mason Pope
(9 Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine 139 (1999))

Submissions from 1998

Summer Musings on Curricular Innovations to Change the Lawyer's Standard Philosophical Map, James Coben
(50 Florida Law Review 735 (1998))

Necessary Legends: The National Equal Justice Library and the Importance of Poverty Lawyers’ History, Marie Failinger
(17 St. Louis University Public Law Review 265 (1998))

The Justice Who Wouldn't Be Lutheran: Toward Borrowing the Wisdom of Faith Traditions, Marie Failinger
(46 Cleveland State Law Review 643 (1998))

The Goals of Environmental Enforcement and the Range of Enforcement Methods in Israel and in the United States, Marcia R. Gelpe
(14 Tel Aviv University Studies in Law 135 (1998). Originally published in Symposium: New Approaches to Safeguard Mankind's Ecological Future)

And Then There Was One, Douglas R. Heidenreich
(16:2 William Mitchell Magazine, Spring (1998))

Civil Justice Reform Symposium: Introduction, James F. Hogg
(24 William Mitchell Law Review 287 (1998))

The Tale of a Tail, James F. Hogg
(24 William Mitchell Law Review 515 (1998))

Hendricks and the Future of Sex Offender Commitment Laws, Eric S. Janus
(24 William Mitchell Law Review 515 (1998))

The Hubris of the Master Chefs of Diversity Stew, Michael K. Jordan
(16:2 William Mitchell Magazine, spring (1998))

A Comparative Analysis of Minnesota Products Liability Law and the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Products Liability, Michael K. Steenson
(24 William Mitchell Law Review 1 (1998))

Disability and Income Loss Benefits Under the Minnesota No-Fault Act, Michael K. Steenson
(24 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1055 (1998))

The CISG Convention and Thomas Franck's Theory of Legitimacy, Anthony S. Winer
(19 Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 1 (1998))

Submissions from 1997

Constitutional Aspects of Physician-Assisted Suicide After Lee v. Oregon, Simon Canick
(23 American Journal of Law & Medicine 69 (1997))

The Underfederalization of Crime, A. Kimberley Dayton
(6 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 247 (1997) Originally published in 6 Cornell J.L. and Pub. Pol'y 247 (1996-1997))

Protections for ERISA Self-Insured Employee Welfare Benefit Plan Participants: New Possibilities for State Action in the Event of Plan Failure, Mark A. Edwards
(1997 Wisconsin Law Review 351 (1997) Copyright 2010 by The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System; Reprinted by permission of the Wisconsin Law Review.)

New Wine, New Bottles: Private Property Metaphors and Public Forum Speech, Marie Failinger
(71 St. John’s Law Review 217 (1997))

A Field Trip to Benetton and Beyond: Some Thoughts on Outsider Narrative in a Law School Clinic, Carolyn Grose
(4 Clinical Law Review 109 (1997))

Pain Relief for the Dying: The Unwelcome Intervention of the Criminal Law, Phebe Saunders Haugen
(23 William Mitchell Law Review 325 (1997))

Terminal Decisions: Landmark Cases in the Path Toward Ethical End-of-Life Care, Phebe Saunders Haugen
(Minnesota Physician, Nov. 1997, at 10)

Hiram F. Stevens and the Founding of the St. Paul College of Law, Douglas R. Heidenreich
(15:3 William Mitchell Magazine, summer (1997))

Sex Offender Commitments: Debunking the Official Narrative and Revealing the Rules-in-Use, Eric S. Janus
(8 Stanford Law and Policy Review 71 (1997))

The Use of Social Science and Medicine in Sex Offender Commitment, Eric S. Janus
(23 New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement 347 (1997))

Toward a Conceptual Framework for Assessing Police Power Commitment Legislation, Eric S. Janus
(76 Nebraska Law Review 1 (1997))

"Magnificent Circularity" and the Churkendoose: LLC Members and Federal Employment Law, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(22 Oklahoma City University Law Review 477 (1997))

Protection of Famous Trademarks in Japan and the United States, Kenneth L. Port
(15 Wisconsin International Law Journal 259 (1997))

Institutionalization: Savior or Saboteur of Mediation?,, Sharon Press
(24 Florida State University Law Review 903 (1997)© Florida State University Law Review)

A Letter from Appalachia, Deborah A. Schmedemann
(16:1 William Mitchell Magazine, winter (1997))

Submissions from 1996

'Trespassers, Beware': Lyda Burton Conley and the Battle for the Huron Place Cemetery, A. Kimberley Dayton
(8 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 1 (1996) Reprinted with permission of the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism from the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.1-30.)

H. Jefferson Powell on the American Constitutional Tradition: A Conversation, Marie Failinger, Thomas Shaffer, and John H. Robinson
(72 Notre Dame Law Review 11 (1996))

Law Teachers and the Educational Continuum, Michael K. Jordan
(5 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 41 (1993))

U.N. Women's Event Unleashed Powerful Ideas, Ann Juergens
(14:3 William Mitchell Magazine, spring (1996))

Direct vs. Derivative, or "What's a Lawsuit Between Friends in an 'Incorporated Partnership'?", Daniel S. Kleinberger
(22 William Mitchell Law Review 1203 (1996))

Guilty Knowledge, Daniel S. Kleinberger
(22 William Mitchell Law Review 953 (1996))

Getting Out of Business: Tax Costs and Opportunities in Exiting a Closely Held Business, Denise D. J. Roy
(22 William Mitchell Law Review 1281 (1996))

Fired Employees and/or Frozen-Out Shareholders (An Essay), Deborah A. Schmedemann
(22 William Mitchell Law Review 1435 (1996))

A Decade of Developments in Performance-Based Legal Education, Deborah A. Schmedemann and Christina L. Kunz
(21 William Mitchell Law Review 673 (1996))