Mitchell Hamline Law Review
Publication Information
44 Mitchell Hamline Law Review 163 (2018)
Appendix-A.pdf (585 kB)
Appendix A. Sample of EATP Method Syllabus
Appendix-B.pdf (206 kB)
Appendix B. Sample of EATP Method Feedback Forms
Appendix-C.pdf (546 kB)
Appendix C. Sample of Week Long In-Person Summer Advocacy Course
Appendix-D.pdf (306 kB)
Appendix D. Planning Guide and Learning Objectives for Practicum Exercises
Appendix-E.pdf (3056 kB)
Appendix E. Practicum Exercise Example
Appendix A. Sample of EATP Method Syllabus
Appendix-B.pdf (206 kB)
Appendix B. Sample of EATP Method Feedback Forms
Appendix-C.pdf (546 kB)
Appendix C. Sample of Week Long In-Person Summer Advocacy Course
Appendix-D.pdf (306 kB)
Appendix D. Planning Guide and Learning Objectives for Practicum Exercises
Appendix-E.pdf (3056 kB)
Appendix E. Practicum Exercise Example
Recommended Citation
Sonsteng, John O.; Heacox, Samuel; Holloran, Hannah; and Moulton, Cara
"Teaching the Art of Effective Advocacy in the 21st Century: A Paradigm Shift,"
Mitchell Hamline Law Review: Vol. 44:
1, Article 5.
Available at: