
Mitchell Hamline Law Review

The Mitchell Hamline Law Review is a student-edited journal. The Mitchell Hamline Law Review is the product of the merger of Hamline Law Review and William Mitchell Law Review in 2016. Beginning with the founding of William Mitchell Law Review in 1974, the Law Review publishes timely articles of regional, national and international interest for legal practitioners, scholars, and lawmakers. Judges throughout the United States regularly cite the Law Review in their opinions. Academic journals, textbooks, and treatises frequently cite the Law Review as well. It can be found in nearly all U.S. law school libraries and online.

Current Issue: Volume 51, Issue 2 (2025)



Board of Editors

Carissa Hansen
Associate Editor-in-Chief
Sophie Hill
Articles Editors
Haley Bauman
Jenny Brooks
Allison Crescimanno
Abigail Denne
Julia Okerman
Notes & Comments Editors
Steven Carver
Steven Macdonald
McKayla Murphy Zelaya
Theo Perzichilli
Engagement Editors
Holli Else
Mallory Marolt
Ian Sheppard
Managing Editors
Alexis Burke
Linnea Coltvet
Raya Esmaeili
Patisepa Kamphaus
Kristin LeBard
Jacob Marcott
Duncan Mincks
Alexis Zimmer
Contributing Editors
Riley Boehm
Michael Hoefer
Breanna Jingco
Samantha Kadle
Aidan Lorentzen
Mariah Marks Erickson