Mediation Case Law Summaries


Professors James Coben and Peter Thompson have been regularly summarizing mediation cases. The summaries below (in PDF and organized in a variety of formats) are not intended as a comprehensive list of all mediation cases - only the most significant; however, reviewing the summaries gives a very effective overview of litigation about mediation.

Related articles available at Social Science Research Network (SSRN):

Disputing Irony: A Systematic Look at Litigation About Mediation Coben, James Richard and Thompson, Peter N., Disputing Irony: A Systematic Look at Litigation About Mediation (2006). Harvard Negotiation Law Review, Vol. 11, p. 43, Spring 2006.

Mediation Litigation Trends: 1999-2007 Coben, James Richard and Thompson, Peter N., Mediation Litigation Trends: 1999-2007 (September 9, 2011). World Arbitration & Mediation Review, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 395, 2007.


Case Summaries


2007 Mediation Cases: Year in Review, James Coben and Peter Thompson


Mediation Case Law Project 1999-2007 Federal Circuit Courts (Sorted by Subject Matter of Case), James Coben and Peter Thompson


Mediation Case Law Project 1999-2007 Master List (Alphabetical Order), James Coben and Peter Thompson


Mediation Case Law Project 1999-2007 Master List (Sorted by Subject Matter of Case), James Coben and Peter Thompson


Mediation Case Law Project 1999-2007 State Supreme Courts (Sorted by Subject Matter of Case), James Coben and Peter Thompson