Volume 7, Issue 2 (2016)
Copyright’s Not So Little Secret: The Orphan Works Problem and Proposed Orphan Works Legislation
Aaron C. Young
Make America Innovate Again: Construing Patent Box Proposals in view of a Policy Mix Approach
Adam E. Szymanski
What’s in a Name, Brother—Profit or Publicity: An Analysis of Trademarking Ring Names in Professional Wrestling
Alissa M. Harrington
Video Games and Intellectual Property: Similarities, Differences, and a New Approach to Protection
John Kuehl
No Copyright in the Law: A Basic Principle, Yet a Continuing Battle
Elizabeth Scheibel

- Editor-In-Chief
- Molly Littman
- Executive Editors
- Kelly Fermoyle
- Joseph Dubis
- Notes & Comments Editors
- Bryan Jarvis
- Caitlin Kowalke
- Jaime Sekenski
- Staff
- Karen Beckman
- Jacob Crawford
- Reed Grimwood
- Lars Gunnerson
- Trevor Haney
- Alissa Harrington
- Wojciech Jankiewicz
- John Kuehl
- Landon Larivee
- Chad Reverman
- Elizabeth Scheibel
- Christopher Tebow