Volume 7, Issue 1 (2015)
The USPTO Patent Pro Bono Program
Jennifer M. McDowell and Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Exceptions to Prosecution History Estoppel Are Hardly a Dime a Dozen: An Analysis of the Federal Circuit’s Application of the Narrow Exceptions to Prosecution History Estoppel Twelve Years After Festo
Rachel C. Hughey and Linhda Nguyen
#TrademarkLaw: Protecting and Maximizing the Value of Trademarks in an Evolving Social Media Marketplace
Betsy A. Butwin
At the Crossroads of Intellectual Property and Government Contracting: Case Studies and Practical Pointers
Courtney A. Hofflander and Theodore M. Thompson II

- Editor-In-Chief
- Molly Littman
- Executive Editors
- Kelly Fermoyle
- Joseph Dubis
- Notes & Comments Editors
- Bryan Jarvis
- Caitlin Kowalke
- Jaime Sekenski
- Staff
- Karen Beckman
- Jacob Crawford
- Reed Grimwood
- Lars Gunnerson
- Trevor Haney
- Alissa Harrington
- Wojciech Jankiewicz
- John Kuehl
- Landon Larivee
- Chad Reverman
- Elizabeth Scheibel
- Christopher Tebow