Content Posted in 2019
Adequate Education: The Disregarded Fundamental Right and the Resurgence of Segregation of Public Schools, Neubia L. Harris
A More Secure Choice: Minnesota’s Two-Pronged Approach to State Level Retirement Savings Programs, Chad Burkitt
An Overt Turn on Covert Action, Afsheen John Radsan
A Persistent Critique: Constructing Clients’ Stories, Carolyn Grose
Bad Foundation: Washington's Lack of Homeowner Rights, Brendan Williams
Barriers to Due Process for Indigent Asylum Seekers in Immigration Detention, Cindy S. Woods
Beyond Skills Training, Revisited: The Clinical Education Spiral, Carolyn Grose
Change Versus Continuity at Obama’s CIA, Afsheen John Radsan
Civil Disobedience: A Constitutional Alternative to Injustice, Samuel H.J. Schultz
Congress Strikes Back: The Institutionalization of the Congressional Review Act, Sam Batkins
Contracts: Between a Rock and a Hard Place—Sorchaga v. Ride Auto, LLC, Rachel D. Zaiger
Creating a National Data Privacy Law for the United States, Shaun G. Jamison
Cybaris® Introduction - In Memoriam, Cybaris® Staff
Digital Accessibility and Disability Accommodations in Online Dispute Resolution: ODR for Everyone, David Larson
Due Process and Targeted Killing of Terrorists, Richard Murphy and Afsheen John Radsan
Facebook Nudes and Constitutional Feuds: How One State's Law Threatens the First Amendment, Bryan M. Kelly
Fenrich v. The Blake School and Minnesota Tort Law: A Road Map Through Special Relationships, Misfeasance/Nonfeasance, and Duty, Mike K. Steenson
Fenrich v. The Blake School and Minnesota Tort Law: A Road Map Through Special Relationships, Misfeasance/Nonfeasance, and Duty, Michael K. Steenson
Fifty Years After the Consumer Credit Protection Act: The High Price of Wage Garnishment, Faith Mullen
Flies on the Wall or in the Ointment? Some Thoughts on the Role of Clinical Supervisors at Initial Client Interviews, Carolyn Grose
From Poverty to Personhood: Gideon Unchained, Ken Strutin
Fundamentally Fair? A Critical Look at the Due Process Afforded Parents in Child Protection Proceedings Under Minnesota Law, Brooke Beskau Warg
Identifying a Proper Analytical Framework: Claims of Admission of Inadmissible Evidence as Prosecutorial Misconduct, Nicholas A. Hydukovich
Identities in Critical Condition: The Urgent Need to Reevaluate the Investigation and Resolution of Claims of Medical Identity Theft, Stephanie Lindgren
Independence is the New Health, Laura D. Hermer
Influencing the FTC to Update Disclosure Rules For the Social Media Era, Elizabeth A. Casale
Islam in the Mind of American State Courts: 1960 to 2001, Marie Failinger
Jury Sentencing in the United States: The Antithesis of the Rule of Law, MaryAnn Grover
Justiciability of State Law School Segregation Claims, Will Stancil and Jim Hilbert
Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Mike K. Steenson
Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Michael K. Steenson
Measure Twice, Shoot Once: Higher Care for CIA-Targeted Killing, Afsheen John Radsan and Richard Murphy
Mentally Ill, or Mentally Ill and Dangerous?: Rethinking Civil Commitments in Minnesota, Eliot T. Tracz
Minnesota Supreme Court Misses the Mark on Abandoned Property Rights—Hall v. State, 908 N.W.2D 345 (Minn. 2018), Jake Morgan
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: The Separation of Powers and the Office of Administrative Hearings, Ann E. Cohen and Elise Larson
Note: Decarceration in a Mass Incarceration State: The Road to Prison Abolition, Robert H. Ambrose
Notice and an Opportunity to be Heard Before the President Kills You, Richard Murphy and Afsheen John Radsan
On the Uneasy Relationship Between Medicaid and Charity Care, Laura D. Hermer and Merle Lenihan
Out of Thin Air: Trade Secrets, Cybersecurity, and the Wrongful Acquisition Tort, Sharon Sandeen
Partisan Gerrymandering: Blurring The Line Between Law And Politics, Elizabeth M. Brama, Lauren E. Pockl, and Samuel Louwagie
Prevailing Parties in Mediation, Caleb Gerbitz
Professional Learning Communities and Collaborative Teams: Tools to Jump-Start the Learning Outcomes Assessment Process, Sharon Sandeen
Raising the Cost of Using Title III Wiretap Evidence, Derik T. Fettig
Remodeling the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), Afsheen John Radsan
Revisiting Park ‘N Fly: In Pursuit of Constraints on Trademark Bullies, Kenneth L. Port
Risk & Rigor: A Lawyer's Guide to Decision Trees for Assessing Cases and Advising Clients, Marjorie Corman Aaron
Root and Branch: The Thirteenth Amendment and Environmental Justice, Mehmet K. Konar-Steenberg
School Desegregation 2.0: What is Required to Finally Integrate America's Public Schools, Jim Hilbert
School Finance Litigation and the Separation of Powers, Larry J. Obhof
Searching the Legacy of the Reformation for Lutheran Responses to Modern Family Law, Marie Failinger
Separation of Powers in New Mexico: Item Vetoes, State Policy-Making, and the Role of State Courts, Michael B. Browde
Social Media and Censorship: Rethinking State Action Once Again, Michael Patty
State Courts and Democratic Theory: Toward A Theory of State Constitutional Judicial Review, David Schultz
Stop in the Name of Love: Putting an End to the Felony Prosecution of Adolescent Sexting, Angela Bailey and Laura Heinrich
Surviving the “Pretext” Stage of McDonnell Douglas: Should Employment Discrimination and Retaliation Plaintiffs Prove “Motivating Factors” Or But-For Causation?, Alexandra Zabinski
Taking a “Hard Look”: The Legality and Policy Implications Surrounding the PolyMet Mine Land Transfer, Kyle Hoffmeister
The Case for Stewart over Harlan on 24/7 Physical Surveillance, Afsheen John Radsan
The Causal Effect: Implications of Chronic Underfunding in School Systems on the Navajo Reservation, Adriana M. Orman
The Commodification of Trademarks: Some Final Thoughts on Trademark Dilution, Kenneth L. Port
The Demand Side of Sex Trafficking in Minnesota: The Who, Where, and Why—And What We Can Do About It, Erinn B. Valine
The Implied Promise of a Guaranteed Education in the United States and How the Failure to Deliver It Equitably Perpetuates Generational Poverty, Anjaleck Flowers
The “Law of Ramsey County” – Reflections of a Trial Judge on State Government Gridlock, Kathleen Gearin
The Reasonable Limits of Narrowing Construction—State v. Hensel, 901 N.W.2D 166 (Minn. 2017), Day Thornton
The Structural Underpinnings of Access to Justice: Building A Solid Pro Bono Infrastructure, Latonia Haney Keith
The Winter of Discontent: A Circumscribed Chevron, Nicholas R. Bednar
Torts: Missing the Forest for the Factors—Frederick v. Wallerich, 907 N.W.2D 167 (Minn. 2018), Michelle Gibbons
Uncovering and Deconstructing the Binary: Teaching (and Learning) Critical Reflection in Clinic and Beyond, Carolyn Grose
Ventura v. Kyle and American Sniper; The Anatomy of a Public Figure’s Lawsuit, Michael K. Steenson
Weed the People: Trademarking Rights in the Marijuana Industry, Ryan Christen
What Protections Are Available to Graffiti Artists?, Molly Lamovec
What to Expect When You’re Expecting…TANF-Style Medicaid Waivers, Laura D. Hermer