William Mitchell Law Review
Volume 34, Issue 1 (2007)
Drawing the Line: A Proposal For Limiting the Form and Function of Construction Manager Project Delivery
Tymon Berger
Recent Issues in Property Coverage
Patrick J. O'Connor Jr.
Mediation of Construction Cases Using "Blind Negotiations": Can Providing Less Information Generate Better Results?
Mark J. Heley
The Historical Emergence of Construction Law
Philip L. Bruner
A Legal Education Renaissance: A Practical Approach for the Twenty-first Century
John O. Sonsteng, Donna Ward, Colleen Bruce, and Michael Petersen
Entering the Brave, New World: An Introduction to Contracting for Building Information Modeling
Dwight A. Larson and Kate A. Golden
A Critique of Best Value Contracting in Minnesota
Dean B. Thomson, Mark Becker, and Jeffrey Wieland
- Editor-in-Chief
- Adam D. Chelseth
- Executive Editors
- Paul S. Almen
- Bryan Lake
- Anne E. Penny
- Jennifer M. Zwilling
- Editors
- Andrea J. Doore
- Josiah Ramsey Friction
- Shubha M. Harris
- Rick Linsk
- Nicole R. Hittner
- Philip J. Rice
- Letty M.S. Van Ert
- Cynthia S. Wingert
- Assistant Editors
- Thomas F. Berndt
- Joshua A. Bobich
- Patrick M. Fenlon
- Ryan Fortin
- Rebecca E. Hattan
- Sarah M. Hoffman
- Alethea M. Huyser
- David J. Krco
- Christy E. Lawrie
- Janine M. Luhtala
- Ryan McGary
- Lindsey M. Michon
- Joseph S. Miller
- Alison L. Norman
- Kevin C. Riach
- Robert H. Salisbury
- Tania A. Shapiro-Barr
- Brannon T. Stephany
- Aaron G. Thomas
- Melanie Triplett