Content Posted in 2013
An Empirical Analysis of the Use of the Intent Test to Determine Parentage in Assisted Reproductive Technology Cases, Mary P. Byrn and Lisa Giddings
Dakota Tribal Courts in Minnesota: Benchmarks of Self-Determination, Sarah Deer and John E. Jacobson
Library Services for the Self-Interested Law School: Enhancing the Visibility of Faculty Scholarship, Simon Canick
Mens Rea in Minnesota and the Model Penal Code, Ted Sampsell-Jones
Minnesota Negligence Law and the Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harms, Michael K. Steenson
Minnesota's Criminal Sexual Conduct Statutes: A Call for Change, Jenna Yauch-Erickson
Muscogee Constitutional Jurisprudence: Vhakv Em Pvtakv (The Carpet Under The Law), Sarah Deer and Cecilia Knapp
Novelty Grace Periods: A National Law Survey, Frederik Struve
Over the Borderline-A Review of Margaret Price's Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life, Gregory M. Duhl
Re-Thinking Minnesota's Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence Using a Prevention Lens, Caroline Palmer and Bradley Prowant
Standards for Health Care Decision-Making: Legal and Practical Considerations, A. Kimberley Dayton
The Domagala Dilemma-Domagala v. Rolland, Michael K. Steenson
The Exception that Swallowed the Rule: Fixing the Multiple-Victim Exception to Minnesota Statute Section 609.035, Benjamin J. Butler
Toward Genuine Tribal Consultation in the 21st Century, Colette Routel and Jeffrey K. Holth
Valuing Small Firm and Solo Law Practice: Models for Expanding Service to Middle-Income Clients, Ann Juergens